
Microsoft Windows Command-Line Administrator's Pocket Consultant

This guide offers step-by-step instructions for a many time-saving techniques using the Windows command line, covering such topics as running commands, using event-logging tools, maintaining network printers, and configuring TCP/IP networking services.


Microsoft Windows Command Line Administrator’s Pocket Consultant is designed to be a concise and compulsively usable resource for Windows administrators. This is the readable resource guide that you’ll want on your desk or in your pocket at all times. The book discusses everything you need to perform the core administrative tasks using the Windows command line. Because the focus is directed to providing you with the maximum value in a pocket-sized guide, you don’t have to wade through hundreds of pages of extraneous information to find what you’re looking for. Instead, you’ll find exactly what you need to get the job done.

In short, the book is designed to be the one resource you consult whenever you have questions regarding Windows command-line administration. To this end, the book concentrates on daily administration procedures, frequently used tasks, documented examples, and options that are representative but not necessarily inclusive. One of the goals is to keep the content so concise that the book remains compact and easy to navigate while ensuring that the book is packed with as much information as possible—making it a valuable resource. Thus, instead of a hefty 1,000-page tome or a lightweight 100-page quick reference, you get a valuable resource guide that can help you quickly and easily perform common tasks, solve problems, and implement such advanced administration areas as automated monitoring, memory leak analysis, disk partitioning, Active Directory management, and network troubleshooting.

Who Is This Book For?

Microsoft Windows Command Line Administrator’s Pocket Consultant covers Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP Professional. The book is designed for

  • Current Windows Server 2003 administrators

  • Support staff who maintain Windows XP Professional systems

  • Accomplished users who have some administrator responsibilities

  • Administrators upgrading to Windows Server from previous versions

  • Administrators transferring from other platforms

To pack in as much information as possible, I had to assume that you have basic networking skills and a basic understanding of Windows and that Windows is already installed on your systems. With this in mind, I don’t devote entire chapters to understanding Windows architecture, installing Windows, or Windows startup and shutdown. I do, however, cover scheduling tasks, monitoring Windows systems, managing accounts, administering network services, and much more.

I also assume that you are fairly familiar with Windows commands and proce dures as well as the Windows user interface. If you need help learning Windows basics, you should read the Windows documentation.

How Is This Book Organized?

Microsoft Windows Command Line Administrator’s Pocket Consultant is designed to be used in the daily administration of Windows systems, and as such, the book is organized by job-related tasks rather than by Windows features. If you are reading this book, you should be aware of the relationship between Pocket Consultants and Administrator’s Companions. Both types of books are designed to be a part of an administrator’s library. While Pocket Con sultants are the down-and-dirty, in-the trenches books, Administrator’s Companions are the comprehensive tutorials and references that cover every aspect of deploying a product or technology in the enterprise.

Speed and ease of reference are an essential part of this hands-on guide. The book has an expanded table of contents and an extensive index for finding answers to problems quickly. Many other quick reference features have been added as well. These features include quick step-by-step instructions, lists, tables with fast facts, and extensive cross-references. The book is organized into both parts and chapters. Each part contains an opening paragraph or two about the chapters contained in that part.

Part I, “Windows Command Line Fundamentals,” reviews the fundamental tasks you need for command-line administration. Chapter 1 provides an overview of command-line administration tools, techniques, and concepts. Chapter 2 is designed to help you get the most out of the command shell. It details techniques for starting up the command shell using parameters, how to control command path settings, what redirection techniques are available, and how to use multiple commands in sequences. Chapter 3 discusses the essentials for creating command-line scripts. You’ll learn how to set variables, work with conditional controls, and create procedures. Chapter 4 explains how to automate common administrative tasks using the command line.

Microsoft Windows provides many command-line tools to help in the management of daily operations. Part II, “Windows Systems Administration,” discusses the core tools and techniques you’ll use to manage Windows systems. Chapter 5 discusses many of the key administration tools, including those that help you gather system information, work with the Windows registry, configure Windows services, and shut down systems remotely. Chapter 6 examines tools that help you track information that is written to the Windows event logs, including warnings and errors. You’ll also learn how to write events to the system and application logs. In Chapter 7, you’ll learn about tools and techniques for monitoring applications, examining processes, and maintaining performance.

The book continues with Part III, “Windows File System and Disk Administration.” Users depend on hard disk drives to store their word-processing documents, spreadsheets, and other types of data. If you’ve worked with Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 for any length of time, you’ve probably used the Disk Management tool. The command-line counterpart of Disk Management is the disk partition utility (Disk Part). You can use Disk Part to handle most disk management tasks as well as to perform some additional tasks that cannot be performed in the GUI. Chapter 8 provides an introduction to DiskPart and also discusses FSUtil, CHKDSK, and CHKNTFS. Chapter 9 discusses partitioning basic disks. Chapter 10 examines dynamic disks and how they are used. The chapter also examines implementing, managing, and troubleshooting RAID.

In Part IV, “Windows Active Directory and Network Administration,” concentrates on the core commands you’ll use for configuring, managing, and troubleshooting Active Directory, print services, and TCP/IP networking. Chapter 11 discusses many of the key directory services administration tools, including tools that help you gather directory information. Chapter 12 examines tools that help you create and manage computer accounts in Active Directory. You’ll also learn how to con figure domain controllers as global catalogs and operations masters. Chapter 13 completes the directory services discussion with a look at creating and managing accounts for users and groups in Active Directory. Chapter 14 examines network printing and print services. Chapter 15 discusses configuring, maintaining, and troubleshooting TCP/IP networking from the command line.

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Microsoft Windows Command-Line Administrator's Pocket Consultant

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